Directed by Adam McKay, and based on Michael Lewis' book about the economic meltdown, The Big Short stars Brad Pitt. The film contains so much information and comedy, it would be fun to see it twice.
Director Adam McKay is better known for films like Anchorman, but even those comedies aren't any nuttier than this fact-based story about the guys who profited from the 2008 financial crisis.
The story of the ship that inspired Moby-Dick would have been better off without relying quite so heavily on that connection and the existential questions it inspires.
The new satire from the team behind Napoleon Dynamite goes after elements of megachurch culture with a sometimes enjoyable bite, but it takes a few detours into mean-spiritedness.
Lee's new film, Chi-Raq, is an adaptation of the Greek comedy Lysistrata, in which women withhold sex to get their men to stop fighting. Critic David Edelstein calls it a "sexy, brash and potent."
This week's show takes a look at the latest from Pixar — both the somewhat disappointing feature and the awesome short — and we consider the times we've changed our minds.