Writer-director Rian Johnson has a triumph with Knives Out, a murder mystery featuring a sprawling cast having a brilliant and beautifully designed good time.
Director Malina Matsoukas' debut feature, about a black couple on the run, is "more interested in myth-making than storytelling," with striking visuals and an increasingly implausible narrative.
Writer-director Rian Johnson's deliriously entertaining comic detective story brings together an all-star cast and an ingeniously plotted crime story whose every twist catches you by surprise.
In the movie Knives Out, the patriarch of a wealthy family is found dead. Was it murder or suicide? The dark comedy is packed with Hollywood stars - including a relative newcomer.
Mati Diop is the first black woman to compete at the Cannes Film Festival — where her first feature won the Grand Prix. The movie about women left behind by refugees is coming soon to Netflix.
Hanks watched "about 8 million hours" of Mister Rogers to prepare for A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. Hanks doesn't necessarily consider himself "a nice guy" but rather "a joyful person."
Director Marielle Heller's new film, starring Tom Hanks, casts a spell with the lightest of touches. Drop your skepticism; this film feels like an encounter with Fred Rogers himself.
The family friendly Mr. Rogers is the subject of a new movie: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. It stars Tom Hanks and is directed by Marielle Heller.
The simultaneous openings of Frozen 2 and the Mr. Rogers bio-pic A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood offer a chance to talk about the changing nature of children's entertainment.