Bon Jovi performed at the graduation ceremony for students of Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. Students fought hard on social media to bring the band.
With the release of his debut solo album, the former boy band singer Harry Styles is getting credit for a smooth transition from teen pop to rock and roll. As if you could ever separate the two.
Visit World Cafe on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to stream all the performances from the 2017 NON-COMMvention, featuring some of public radio's favorite artists.
A new collection presents synthesizer dance music from the Cape Verde islands in the '70s and '80s. Critic Milo Miles says the music on Synthesize The Soul will sweeps you up with energy and rhythm.
It's true: Harry Styles of One Direction has released a fantastic, solo rock album inspired by The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd. That, the return of Fleet Foxes and more in this week's show.
As Mellow Diamond, Leppin builds elegantly somber songs from a pedal board of effects and loops. American God was written and recorded during a fraught election and its fallout.