Many struggle with tremors and balance much of the time, but when the music starts, these people dance. It gives them joy — body and soul. Scientists say dance might have lasting brain benefits, too.
Will Kaufman, a professor of American literature and culture at the University of Central Lancashire, says he has discovered unpublished lyrics by Woody Guthrie, in which the folk singer denounced Fred Trump, Donald's father. The elder Trump happened to be Guthrie's landlord in the early 1950s.
At creator Chris Carter's request, composer Mark Snow tried to make the X-Files theme sound like The Smiths. In the process, he stumbled on a very different sound — that would become iconic.
Transient troubadours, Paul and Krystal Jean Masson, create a drifting kind of Cosmic American dream-pop; watch and listen to the lead track off their debut album.