Alan Palomo says he deliberately took his time making his band's latest LP: "At some point I was just kind of like, 'I don't want to spend my 20s in a van."
"I try to capture sounds the same way a photographer would capture an image," says musician Nick Koenig, whose songs are meticulously constructed from the noise of everyday life.
At age 70, after a long affair with soul standards and the American Songbook, Stewart has warmed up to writing his own material again. He joins Scott Simon to discuss the new album Another Country.
In an conversation from the Song Exploder podcast, score composer Harry Gregson-Williams explains how he matched moments to melodies in the new film, which stars Matt Damon as a stranded astronaut.
In the Philadelphia Orchestra trumpeter's slightly twisted world, bears play bass trombones, Liszt has a brother named Bukhett and snowblowers can be filed as musical instrument deductions.