Spoon Wants Your Soul
Making The Label Matter: A Record Company's Return From Obscurity
Dom Flemons Holds On To Those Old-Time Roots
From Classical to Electric Guitar, Guilford College Professor Kami Rowan Plays It All
Kami Rowan is classical guitarist and professor of music at Guilford College. She is also the faculty advisor for WQFS 90.9 FM, Guilford College's radio station. She just visited Northern Ireland to study music's role and how it affects Ireland's political scene. WFDD Radio Camper Emma Kilpatrick recently spoke with Kami to find out more.
A Fond Farewell From An Old Memphis Maverick
Tucker Tharpe of the Garage: Self-Proclaimed Winston-Salem Enthusiast
Tucker Tharpe is the owner of the Garage, one of Winston-Salem's oldest music venues. Before owning the Garage, he worked at Spevco Inc., a company that specializes in mobile marketing. He has also worked at the Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership, where he created a number of free events in the downtown area. WFDD Radio Camper Siona Kshirsager recently had the chance to interview him.
Meet the Artist: Singer-Songwriter Quique Rodriguez-Pastor
Quique Rodriguez-Pastor is a local singer-songwriter who grew up in both Peru and the U.S . Quique also makes short bite sized videos. Lots of people describe his music as international, pop,and experimental, with sounds that remind them of the beach. He spoke with Radio Camper Dinah Taylor.
Meet the Artist: Susan Borwick, Wake Forest Professor of Music
Susan Borwick is a professor and composer at Wake Forest University, and on a good day she can sound two pitches simultaneously. WFDD Radio camper Alex Housden was able to able to find out more.