The first single from Somewhere Different, her gleaming Impulse debut, is a driving jazz-funk sunburst that calls back to a heyday of popular Black musical uplift.
If young folks are our future, then classical music looks blazingly bright with these extraordinary performances by teenage musicians from across the country.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory turns 50 in June, and Hook turns 30 in December. Both were shaped by the English lyricist and composer Leslie Bricusse, who remains vital and busy at age 90.
Dacus's third album is an intimate collection of snapshots from her youth and teen years. Both searching and empathetic, it channels what it means to revisit the past with the wisdom of distance.
To celebrate 50 years of NPR, we asked beatmakers Carrtoons, Kaelin Ellis, Kiefer, and The Kount to recreate some of the iconic themes from our news programs.
Singer and rapper Doja Cat released her third studio album, entitled Planet Her. Music critic Briana Younger discusses some of the album's standout songs.