A quarter-century into Case's career, her words still feel intensely personal and utterly oblique, as if she's whispering her darkest secrets in Sanskrit.
After fading into obscurity, the Celtic harp made a steady resurgence beginning in the 1970s. Listen to the harpers that started this gentle revolution.
The man was among some 20,000 people attending a Jacky Cheung concert when he was identified by facial recognition technology powered by artificial intelligence.
A lawyer for the 20-year-old woman, Faith A. Rodgers, says that she is the same person who filed a criminal complaint against the R&B singer in Dallas.
The only antidote for the hell-in-a-handbasket blues is the stankiest of funks, and no one makes it stankier than George Clinton. Hear the first Parliament album in 38 years now.