Go back to the year 2007, when NPR Music was born, along with classmates like Radiohead's pay-what-you-wish album In Rainbows and the very first iPhone.
Celebrate NPR Music's 10th anniversary with a highly personal, not-at-all comprehensive list of the songs, albums, trends and moments from the last 10 years that we can't forget.
2008 brought the first Tiny Desk Concert, the arrival (finally) of perhaps the most notoriously delayed album ever and one of the best videos of all time.
In 2010, the emo revival began to crest, Instagram launched, The Beatles released its catalog to iTunes and Kanye West released My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.
2012 showed the Internet in all its glory and horror: crowdfunding, "Call Me Maybe" memes and "Gangnam Style." Plus: Channel Orange and the Tupac hologram.
In a conversation with Rachel Martin, Iceland's musical auteur unpacks a new release that couldn't be more different from 2015's stark breakup album, Vulnicura.