National Security

Senate Committee Lays Blame For Benghazi With State Department

The Senate Intelligence Committee has released a new bipartisan report on the 2012 Benghazi attack. The report finds that the attack was preventable. According to the committee, fault lies with the State Department for failing to provide adequate security or heed warnings about a deteriorating security situation. The committee claims that individuals associated with al-Qaida affiliates participated in the attack, but it stops short of saying the attack was pre-planned. The report also does not implicate the "core" al-Qaida leadership.

Edward Snowden 'Did The Crime, He Should Do The Time'

There's been a vigorous debate over the fate of Edward Snowden, who leaked classified details about the activities of the National Security Agency. Some believe he started an important debate over privacy and security. David Greene talks to former NSA general counsel Stewart Baker, who believes having that debate so openly is dangerous.