
Congress Continues To Address Its Sexual Harassment Issues

The House and Senate are moving swiftly towards mandating previously optional sexual harassment training. The Senate approved the change last week, without a single objection. In the House on Tuesday, lawmakers held a hearing to consider even more far-reaching changes to shake up what many female lawmakers say is a culture that encourages silence.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee

Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified on Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee at a time when he faces new questions about what he knew about reported contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia. Sessions also answered questions about his decision to open the door to the possibility of appointing a special counsel to investigate the dealings of the Clinton Foundation. Republicans, including the president, have been asking for such an investigation since the campaign. Sessions has previously said he has recused himself from any investigations that stem from the campaign during which he served as a surrogate for Donald Trump.