
#NPRreads: 3 Stories To Crack Open This Weekend

Read about the gender biases of your cell phone assistant, the ways politicians supported the Malheur militants, and how Europe's jihadists are different from their predecessors.

#NPRreads: 3 Stories That Will Pass Into Legend

The deep history and literary roots of cowboy poetry. The messiness of family mythologies. And the visions — or delusions — for sale when athletes join forces with multi-level marketers.

#NPRreads: 3 Stories Worth Leaping Into

Watching, weeping and writing as Dale Earnhardt Sr. died. Thinking about why we teach our girls to be scared. And spending some time with a prophet of extreme frugality.

#NPRreads: 4 Winning Stories To Tackle This Weekend

Whitney Houston's Super Bowl masterpiece, a man of many identities, the future of military food — and from The Guardian's archives, an extraordinary, gut-wrenching chronicle of the Delhi gang rape.