
China Is Attempting To Muzzle #MeToo

As the women's rights movement spreads among Chinese universities, it poses a unique challenge to the country's male-dominated, authoritarian regime.

Why Males Are Biology's Riskier Sex

New data have confirmed major differences in mutation rates between the sexes — showing that children inherit more mutations from their dads than from their moms, says guest commentator Robert Martin.

Helping Farmed Animals: High-Impact Rescue

Following the example of an elephant caught on video that apparently thanked human rescuers, anthropologist Barbara King gives a shout-out to new campaigns that help farmed animals.

Welcome To The Age Of Digital Transcendence

Smartphones have become an extension of the owner; it is the closest we've ever become to being omnipresent and omniscient and — in a metaphorical sense, at least — divine, says Marcelo Gleiser.

Scientific Theory And The Multiverse Madness

An increasing number of theoretical physicist think that our universe is only one among infinitely many — but this speculation is not based on sound logic, says guest commentator Sabine Hossenfelder.

Living Well Now: What Does It Take?

Shaping our lives around fulfilling social, intellectual and creative potential — keys to happiness — is more compatible with sustainability than pursuing unlimited wealth, says author Randall Curren.