
A World Series Ring For Steven Bartman

Steven Bartman is famous for interfering with a foul ball in a Chicago Cubs baseball game in 2003. This week, the Cubs gave Bartman a ring from their 2016 World Series win.

Week In Politics: Robert Mueller Uses Grand Jury In Russia Probe

NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with political commentators E.J. Dionne of The Washington Post and Brookings Institution and Eliana Johnson of Politico. They discuss special counsel Robert Mueller's decision to use a grand jury in the Russia investigation, the Republicans' failure to pass a health care bill and the president's new chief of staff John Kelly.

Why We Are Naively Optimistic About Climate Change

Unfortunately, we are failing in the goal to make our children's world better than our own — and those who deny it won't have to see the consequences of their choices, says blogger Marcelo Gleiser.

Who Were Your Millionth-Great-Grandparents?

Our pre-human ancestors are back there somewhere in the deep time that makes up Earth's braided history of life and change — and we are the tip of the spear moving that life forward, says Adam Frank.