In 1950, a teenage girl in Nigeria put on her mother's fancy clothes and posed for a photo. In 2015, she had her first encounter with the original, hand-colored portrait.
When Boston photographer David Fox moved to Afghanistan, he began to share pictures and stories about the day-to-day life that rarely gets covered by the press.
A White House photographer captured the lunch that Richard Nixon ate before announcing his resignation. It's an unusual image of a humble meal as power is slipping away.
A dozen photographers were set loose with the aim of seeing an old conflict in a new light. The result is a photo exhibit now showing in Tel Aviv and coming soon to the U.S.
The photographer, who died last month, has a famous portfolio of arresting images. Among them is a shot of two children in 1990. Amanda thought the photo shoot would change her life. It did not.
Instagram wants to be a source for your news. The photo-sharing app is rolling out an update that features trending tags and a beefed-up search tool that should help it compete with Twitter.
The issue with Caitlyn Jenner on the cover had many people talking before it even hit newsstands. Editor-in-Chief Graydon Carter says the story took months of secret planning.
The photographer, who died this week, turned her lens on the marginal people of the world. One of her most acclaimed projects was her series of photos taken in the brothels of Mumbai.