When Sen. Marco Rubio's parents came to the U.S., they put down roots in West Miami, a nearly all-Cuban neighborhood. That's where the senator and his family still live.
For 25 years, attorney Mary Bonauto and activist Evan Wolfson helped shape the gay marriage movement. They discuss the recent Supreme Court ruling, which represented the culmination of their efforts.
The former senator, the fifth Democrat to enter the presidential race, has a colorful background as a veteran, author, reporter and defender of the Confederacy.
The decision follows more than 13 hours of debate. Lawmakers in the House approved the Senate bill by a two-thirds margin, and the measure now goes to Republican Gov. Nikki Hailey's desk.
In Brazil, one of the biggest corruption scandals in its history has an unlikely hero. He is a 35-year-old Harvard educated lawyer who says his inspiration is Gandhi.
"The group of people who are really the managers of the criminal justice system in America are concentrated among one demographic group: white men," said an author of the report.
Passed in 2001, the education law established more standardized testing and education data collection than at any time in U.S. history. Congress is looking to reauthorize it, but roadblocks remain.