Lexington Plans Lawsuit To Remove Confederate Statue
Lexington officials say they're taking legal action to remove the city's Confederate statue from its prominent spot on Main Street.
Lexington officials say they're taking legal action to remove the city's Confederate statue from its prominent spot on Main Street.
Police body camera video showing the events in a Forsyth County jail that preceded the death of John Neville has been released, showing him struggling after having a medical emergency and officers
Forsyth County Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough held a press conference Tuesday in which he apologized to
Even in the midst of a still-raging pandemic, and with a historic national election less than 100 days away, Black Lives Matter and the daily protests it has inspired continues to dominat
A new organization that provides bail assistance in Forsyth County has faced an unforeseen need posed by the pandemic and arrests related to demonstrations for racial justice.