In the final piece of NPR's series on the sexual assault epidemic against people with intellectual disabilities, we hear from victims themselves about how these experiences shape their lives.
Just before the Brock Turner case sparked fresh outrage, a federal agency issued its latest list of inquiries into how sexual assault allegations are handled on U.S. campuses.
The Pentagon admits a major concern over reprisals against troops who report sexual assault. A Human Rights Watch report says the Pentagon isn't doing enough to repair harm done by this retaliation.
Victims of sexual abuse at work are often afraid to come forward. So when a Colorado resort recently agreed to settle a sexual harassment case, it was a relatively rare victory for abused workers.
The lawmakers were ordered to leave after speaking about their experiences and calling for an apology from the prime minister over controversial remarks he made a day earlier.
A jury in Iowa acquitted a man who had been criminally charged for having sex with his wife, who had Alzheimer's. Very few care facilities have policies on dementia, sex and consent.
A review of a story about an alleged rape is the latest in a long saga for the U. of Virginia. The fraternity implicated in the story plans to sue; advocates say fewer rape victims are coming forward.