By measuring sleep patterns of first-time mothers and their infants, Israeli researchers learned just how tiring it can be just having a baby in the same room at night.
Megadisasters like Chernobyl and the Exxon Valdez oil spill were set off by people who were sleep-deprived. Researchers say they're able to pinpoint how lack of sleep derails decision-making.
Young kids who don't get enough shut-eye, or who are noisy breathers when they doze, are more likely to have weight issues as adolescents, a British study suggests.
Pediatricians have been telling parents for years that soft bedding, such as pillows and blankets, raises the risk of suffocation for babies. But many parents don't seem to be paying attention.
A new generation of baby monitors lets new parents track their child's heartbeat and other vital signs. But they're not health devices, a pediatrician warns, and could give a false sense of security.
For those who think there are not enough hours in the day, researchers may have just offered you a solution. The brain can continue tasks even while asleep, a study finds. Texting not included, alas.
Over drinks in the light of a full moon, a group of Swiss sleep researchers recently realized they could put a bit of folklore about the moon's disruptive effect on sleep to the test. The answer surprised them and didn't quite win over some other scientists in the field.