
A New Era For Astronomy Has Begun

Astronomy is forever changed by the viewing of the collision of neutron stars; we can now watch these processes in many different ways as they run their course, says astrophysicist Marcelo Gleiser.

Would Aliens Look Like Us?

Though natural selection might have sculpted a well-adapted species on another planet, they wouldn't look like us, says guest blogger Jonathan Losos.

Elon Musk Lays Out His Mars Colony Plans

Billionaire inventor Elon Musk said his company SpaceX is developing a Mars rocket that will be ready to launch in 2022. We look at how realistic that plan is.

What Would Aliens Make Of NASA's Voyager?

Forty years ago, NASA sent two spacecraft into space with images and recordings from Earth. To test whether aliens would be able to hear them, scientists ran the messages by animals, as proxies.

When 2 Black Holes Dance, Space Quivers

Just as two kids jumping on a trampoline around each other send waves rippling outwards on the fabric, black holes distort space as they orbit around each other, says astrophysicist Marcelo Gleiser.