
All-Female Space Walk Friday

Friday marks the first time a space walk has comprised only female astronauts. Women have walked in space before but the walk scheduled for Friday reflects a real change in the astronaut corps.

NASA's First All-Female Spacewalk Set For Friday

Astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir will replace a faulty power regulator on the International Space Station. Only 15 women have participated in spacewalks, and all were accompanied by men.

NASA's New Black Hole Model

NASA has produced a computer model of a black hole in 3D. An astrophysicist with NASA says, "It looks kind of like Saturn. There's a big circle in the middle, surrounded by a very thin disk of gas."

India Spacecraft Located, Condition Unknown

After losing contact with the unmanned craft as it was trying to land on the moon, scientists appear to have captured an image of the lander on the surface, and they're trying to establish contact.