Strange News

Start Your Day With Bacon ... Shaving Cream

Looking for that perfect gift for a man who hates to shave? He may reconsider his morning routine with a new product from "Bacontrepreneurs" Justin and Dave of J&D Foods in Seattle (makers of Baconnaise, Bacon Lip Balm and Mmmvelopes). Their latest concoction, Bacon Shaving Cream, has no meat in it but it's the "highest-quality meat-scented shaving cream on the market today."

A Night Of Spectacle In New York City

A couple of bright moments in a city still recovering from a dark storm: On Staten Island, people were startled by the dreamlike spectacle of two men chasing an escaped zebra and pony down the street — with lassos. And in Manhattan, Rockefeller Center lit up with 45,000 lights — on an 80-foot Christmas tree.