The agency will scale back its collection of "about" data, messages that are not only traveling to and from a foreign target, but those that mention one.
The film, based on the book by Dave Eggers, presents a dystopian view of where Silicon Valley is taking the world and captures the tech industry's failure to acknowledge the downside of its creations.
The tech industry is getting hit hard by turnover among workers who believe they've been treated unfairly. It's most acute among underrepresented workers, including women and minorities.
Police departments in about 95 percent of cities nationally have put wearable cameras on officers, or soon plan to. But do these body cameras make neighborhoods safer? Scientists want to find out.
The company can speed up delivery of high-bandwidth content like YouTube videos because the servers will now store data locally. But accessing the Internet in Cuba remains difficult and expensive.
Police may soon have technology to tell if a driver involved in an accident had been using a mobile device behind the wheel. Privacy advocates worry about letting police snoop on people's phones.
Instead of buying expensive things, people now use busyness to show their high status. New research finds that many celebrities use social media to boast about their lack of time, not their wealth.
President Trump is ubiquitous on Twitter. And as we get close to 100 days, we've learned about patterns, including what time of day he usually tweets and how often he makes negative statements.
President Trump has reversed course and says he won't withdraw from NAFTA. Also, a view into North Korea from the Chinese border and a proposed software to curb texting while driving.