The service will only work on Google Nexus phones, but it could potentially disrupt the wireless industry with its pay-only-for-what-you-use data plans.
Michel Martin is hosting a conversation about education in New Orleans, 10 years after Hurricane Katrina sparked a transformation of public schools there. Add your voice at #NOLASCHOOLS.
The panels, funded by government grants, are helping thousands of tribal residents take advantage of the everyday luxuries enjoyed by other Americans — like turning on lights or storing food.
This week, Google started prioritizing mobile-friendly websites in Google searches made on a smartphone. The change could hurt businesses whose sites don't pass Google's mobile-ready test.
Before today, a Twitter user could send direct messages only if the recipient was one of the user's followers. Now there's an option that would allow users to message anyone on Twitter.
Researchers at Purdue are using software to mine tweets for data that can help warn that a dangerous storm is approaching. But the data may not always be reliable and analyzing it can be tricky.
The system, a pair of robotic arms, learned to cook by mimicking the motions of a top chef. Even though it can't smell or taste, its maker says the robot should be able to make 2,000 meals by 2017.
Virginia found 1-in-5 of its touchscreen machines vulnerable to attack with passwords as easy as "abcde." As voting equipment ages, new concerns are being raised.