
Mayer Shines At Yahoo After Spotlight Dimmed At Google

Yahoo has redesign some of its major sites — the latest step in CEO Marissa Mayer's dramatic turnaround of the Internet company. Before Mayer interviewed for the job at Yahoo, her career at Google appeared to have stalled. Renee Montagne discusses this with Nicholas Carlson, who wrote a profile of Mayer for the news website Business Insider.

How Vine Settled On 6 Seconds

According to numbers released Tuesday, Twitter's one-year-old video-sharing app Vine now has about 40 million registered users. The app lets users shoot a maximum of six seconds per Vine, so we wanted to know why the limit's set at six seconds and not a second longer.

Teens Use Twitter To Thumb Rides

Need a ride to the party or the concert? Instead of making endless phone calls, these days teens turn to social media to arrange transportation. It's called ridesharing, a form of cyber-hitchhiking used by a generation that isn't rushing to get a driver's license or dream car.