Former FBI Director James Comey publicly claimed ownership of a Twitter account Monday and signaled that he is about to rejoin a national conversation.
Trolls, bots and other mischief aimed at shaping the U.S. information environment have continued long after the presidential election even as Washington focuses on Facebook and Twitter.
Miscarriage, while widely experienced, is not often discussed in public. Researchers have turned to social media to see what people are saying about the topic and how much they're choosing to share.
"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion," the former president tweeted. He was quoting Nelson Mandela, and it struck a chord for many.
They weren't hiding their faces as they waved swastikas and shouted white supremacist and Nazi slogans. Now Internet sleuths are identifying (and misidentifying) the Charlottesville marchers.
As it celebrates 500 years since Martin Luther and the Reformation, the Protestant church in Germany is turning to social media to reach those too busy to attend.