
Where Does Hollywood Go After Numerous Allegations Of Sexual Assault And Harassment?

Thirty-eight women have shared their stories of sexual harassment by long-time screenwriter and director James Toback. Earlier this month, multiple women came forward with allegations of sexual assault by another Hollywood power player — Harvey Weinstein. NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with Matthew Belloni, Editorial Director of The Hollywood Reporter, about the reports and what it all means for Hollywood going forward.

Former Paratrooper On What It Was Like To Serve With Bergdahl

When Bowe Bergdahl walked off of his base in 2009, soldiers and resources across Afghanistan were rerouted to search for him. Jon Thurman was with Bergdahl's company, and was a part of the weeks-long search after he disappeared. He speaks with NPR about that time, and how he feels about Bergdahl's guilty plea.

Special Forces Medic During Vietnam War Presented With Medal Of Honor

President Trump presented the Medal of Honor to retired Army Capt. Gary Rose for conspicuous gallantry during the Vietnam War. During a four-day battle in Laos with North Vietnamese troops, Rose — a special forces medic — treated more than 50 soldiers under fire despite his own injuries.