This Slingshot exploration of the Kansas City music scene features a mini-documentary series about romantically-involved musical duos, just in time for Valentine's Day.
The popular SweetHearts will be tougher to find this Valentine's Day. The company that used to make the candy went out of business. Its new owners aren't ready to start making new batches yet.
NPR's Morning Edition is asking kids and students to write a poem with the prompt, "Love is." Teachers, please share this prompt with your class and submit their responses.
Conservative Pakistanis keep trying to ban any celebration of the Christian saint of love, but flower sellers keep turning up for couples who mark the day.
Computer programs known as neural networks learn by example. So a researcher plugged in some typical Valentine's Day candy heart messages — and got some weird new word combos. "BEAR WIG," anyone?
Author Sarah Hepola is used to being alone and disappointed on Valentine's Days. But this year her outlook has changed. "My life is rich with love, even if it's not the kind I expected," she says.