A year ago, the World Health Organization declared war on misinformation by partnering with Big Tech, from Facebook to Twitter to ... Uber. They're sending out public health messages. Who's tuning in?
The coronavirus is "very unlikely" to have started in a Chinese lab but its path from animals to humans needs further investigation, a World Health Organization team said after visiting Wuhan.
With official withdrawal looming, collaboration on global health issues was more difficult. Biden faces a challenging road to re-establish ties — and a U.S. leadership role.
The country said it discovered a virus mutation that can spread to humans. Danish officials are concerned it could impact the body's ability to form antibodies.
Here are the positions of the two candidates on issues ranging from the Mexico City policy (involving abortion services) to refugees to membership in the World Health Organization.
Europe has been battling rising case counts, setting a record last week for new cases reported. Spain and France surpassed the 1 million case mark within hours of each other.
Europe's cases surged by 36% compared with the prior week. Across Europe, many countries are trying to slow the spread of the coronavirus but avoid a national lockdown.
The Chinese foreign ministry said it took this step "to uphold the concept of a shared community of health for all and to honor its commitment to turn COVID-19 vaccines into a global public good."