
South Sudan's Prospects For 2018

South Sudan is suffering one of the gravest humanitarian crises in the world. The government and rebel groups recently agreed to a ceasefire, but the fighting goes on.

Protests Continue In Iran

In Iran, anti-government protests are in their fourth day. At least two protesters were killed Saturday night. The government is blaming the unrest on what it calls "foreign agents."

5 Men On Trial For Gang Rape In Spain

Guest host Lauren Frayer talks with feminist organizer Irantzu Varela about the uproar in Spain over the trial of five men accused of gang raping a teenager at last year's Running of the Bulls.

U.S. Raid Killed Yemeni Civilians, Villagers Say

Yemeni civilians say they were the victims of a U.S. special forces raid that was aimed at al-Qaida militants. The U.S. military says their stories will prompt a reassessment of the strike.