
Persian Empire Treasure Begins U.S. Tour

The Cyrus Cylinder — an ancient clay piece considered the oldest declaration of human rights — is in the U.S. for the first time. The symbol of Persian tolerance arrives in Washington as formal relations between Iran and the U.S. remain strained. Renee Montagne talks to professor Ahmad Karimi of the University of Maryland about the history of this ancient cultural icon.

Bolshoi Dancer Confesses To Masterminding Attack

In Russia, a prominent dancer with the fabled Bolshoi Ballet has confessed to ordering an attack on the company's director. The director suffered third degree burns after acid was thrown onto his face. For more on the scandals at the Bolshoi, Renee Montagne talks to writer Christina Ezrahi, author of Swans of the Kremlin: Ballet and Power in Soviet Russia.

Hugo Chavez: The Legacy Of A Polarizing Leader

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died Tuesday after struggling with cancer for nearly two years. The polarizing leader will be remembered both as a champion of the poor, and as a leader who consolidated power in his office. New Yorker staff writer Jon Lee Anderson talks about what life was like during his nearly 14 years in power.