Your Money

The Cost of Life in America

Over the past two decades, prices on average have increased. But certain things have gotten cheaper while others have gotten more expensive, and which is which can tell us a lot.

More Band For Your Buck

To understand the Trump administration's approach to trade tariffs, look no further than the humble rubber band.

Productivity With A Side of Chicken

Why productivity could be the most important data point in the economy... and how did KFC manage to run out of chicken in the UK - for an entire week?

Guns And The Trump Slump

Today more than two thirds of the guns in America are owned by just 20 percent of gun owners. That's not always good for gunmakers.

The 28-Hour Work Week

Imagine being able to work fewer hours during a difficult time in your life, without having to quit your job or interrupt your career. In Germany, for many workers, that's now a reality.