World News

The Sunday Story: An Indian Political Scandal

Starting in 2018, sixteen people were arrested in India for allegedly plotting to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They included professors, a poet, trade unionists and members of an improv acting troupe. Even an elderly Jesuit priest.

The evidence against them, discovered on their electronic devices, appears damning: minutes of terror cell meetings, emails to banned Maoist rebels and a letter suggesting a suicide attack on Modi.

Today, fifteen defendants continue to await trial. They all say they were falsely accused and that the evidence against them was fabricated and planted by hackers in order to silence them. Digital forensic investigators not only agree but say Modi's own government may be involved.

In this episode of The Sunday Story, NPR's Lauren Frayer follows the twists and turns of what Indian police say was a complex plot to sabotage Modi's government, and that defendants say was a setup. One of the defendants, the Rev. Stan Swamy, died while fighting to clear his name.

A Visit to the Gateway for Ukrainian Prisoners of War Freed from Russia

The Ukrainian border town of Krasnopillia, in the country's northeast, is near the only open checkpoint between Ukraine and Russia. When Ukrainians are freed from Russian captivity, or when the bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers are returned, they usually come through the town. Our correspondent visited and found the returning countrymen are always welcomed by residents and the staff from the town's scrappy local newspaper.