
Low and Lower Live in Studio A, Winston-Salem Youth Chorus, and DaDa Poetry on Triad Arts Weekend

Get ready for some zany musical fun, a hearty tribute to Dada, and kids saying the darnedest things today on the show. Virtuoso cellist Brooks Whitehouse and virtuoso bassist Paul Sharpe let their inner theatrical selves shine right on through with Low & Lower Live in Studio A. And conductor Matthew Troy from the Winston-Salem Symphony is here to help us Discover their many talents. Then, well it's performance art and poetry like you've never experienced before with Lynn Book and Amy Catanzano. They're truly devoted to Dada, and if you don't know what that means—stick around and get set to be the life of your next party. Then, nothing puts it all in perspective like a young person. The wonderful young singers in the Winston-Salem Youth Chorus are here to show us the importance of art in our lives. They'll also be singing the praises of their fearless leader Ms. Barbara Beattie. 20 years of great choral directing and she's still rockin' it as hard as ever.

New Production by Touring Theatre of North Carolina Features Poetry and Prose by Veterans

Touring Theatre of North Carolina is once again going beyond entertainment, this time with the premiere of an original production in their first ever Chamber Series. DEPLOYED is a Readers Theatre production featuring poetry and prose written by veterans and their family members. It opens Friday night, November 8th at 8:00 PM and runs through the 16th at Mack and Mack in Greensboro. DEPLOYED includes entries from seven different wars in which America has participated on foreign soil.