Airports At Water's Edge Battle Rising Sea Levels
Many major airports are on low-lying coastal land where flooding is getting worse. They're building walls, berms and other barriers to try to keep planes and people moving.
It's Rice Vs. Seaweed Vs. Solar ATMs For A $1 Million Prize
The Hult Prize goes to a team of student entrepreneurs with an idea that will make the world a better place. Former President Clinton was on hand to announce the winner.
Environmentalists Concerned That More Coal Ash Ponds Will Spill Into Rivers
Environmental groups are closely watching coal ash storage ponds in North and South Carolina as rivers swollen by rain from Hurricane Florence continue to rise.
Via Truck And Helicopter, Mountain Goats Find New Home
The National Park Service is transporting hundreds of wild mountain goats via truck and helicopter from Olympic National Park to the North Cascades in Washington state.
Mosquitoes Genetically Modified To Crash Species That Spreads Malaria
Scientists demonstrate that a "gene drive" can rapidly spread a genetic mutation through a species, perhaps providing a potent new weapon against malaria. But there are plenty of skeptics.
Flooding Threat Remains From Florence; Congress Considers Aid Package
As Congress considers a relief package to North Carolina and other states battered by Hurricane Florence, coastal residents are being reminded that the danger from the storm isn't over.
Triad Researchers Use Lasers To Count Dwindling Monarch Butterfly Populations
Monarch butterfly sightings are being reported across the Piedmont. It's one stop along the way in their journey from as far north as Canada to Mexico.
Overflowing Hog Lagoons Raise Environmental Concerns In North Carolina
Hog lagoons overflowed in the wake of Hurricane Florence, but it's not the first time farmers have had to deal with this. These lagoons are used to collect pig waste, but what happens when they fail?
As West Grows, Water Use Declines Thanks To Better Toilets
Despite the growth of population in the western U.S., water use in cities such as Denver, Las Vegas, San Diego and Phoenix is going down. The reason? High-tech, low-flow toilets.