Ebola has made us all obsessed with body temperature. 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is normal, right? But what about 98.2? Or 99? And how high and low can you go on the thermometer and survive?
Madagascar reports hundreds of plague cases each year. Health officials are concerned that this year's outbreak could grow rapidly now that it has reached a densely-populated city.
Staff members at a clinic in Sierra Leone were told to minimize treatments and expect few survivors. But they refused to follow that plan and came up with a safe way to boost the survival rate.
A fungus consumes a worm and sprouts out of its head. The resulting ... thing ... is deemed an aphrodisiac and sells for more than gold. How do you keep people from killing each other to harvest it?
The state did not expand Medicaid so many of their target audience — African-Americans and Latinos — may make too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to get subsidies.
The website PrivacyGrade rates Android apps based on the personal information they collect from you. It's another reminder that your data are constantly on the move, whether you know it or not.
A new generation of baby monitors lets new parents track their child's heartbeat and other vital signs. But they're not health devices, a pediatrician warns, and could give a false sense of security.