The candidates have also been racing for innovative ways to reach more voters. Barack Obama is advertising in video games while John McCain's supporters meet in the virtual world of Second Life.
One Vietnamese community says it respects the presidential candidate for serving years in a North Vietnamese prison camp. They also believe he'll represent their interests as president.
"You're not going to believe this," a soldier told his wife, "we're not going to be allowed to vote for president." The mechanics of military voting are better than they used to be, but "better" doesn't always cut it in a war zone.
"You're not going to believe this," a soldier told his wife, "we're not going to be allowed to vote for president." The mechanics of military voting are better than they used to be, but "better" doesn't always cut it in a war zone.
The candidates are stumping to the wire in this final weekend of the presidential campaign. As McCain readies for a whirlwind tour of seven key states, Obama's campaign is sending the message that it has the resources and nerve to go after Republicans anywhere, even on McCain's home turf.
The candidates are stumping to the wire in this final weekend of the presidential campaign. As McCain readies for a whirlwind tour of seven key states, Obama's campaign is sending the message that it has the resources and nerve to go after Republicans anywhere, even on McCain's home turf.
With the election just days away, we sent our correspondents out to gather the opinions of voters in Virginia, New Mexico and Florida. Voters outside the Red, Hot and Blue Memphis Pit Barbeque restaurant in Leesburg, Va., share their thoughts just days before elections.
With the election just days away, we sent our correspondents out to gather the opinions of voters in Virginia, New Mexico and Florida. Voters outside the Red, Hot and Blue Memphis Pit Barbeque restaurant in Leesburg, Va., share their thoughts just days before elections.