Radio 101
We are a platform for young voices in our community to explore issues that they are passionate about. From personal reflections to topics of national relevance, Radio 101 provides high school students with the tools to turn their ideas into feature stories. Part of WFDD's Hive, the Radio 101 program allows students to interact with professional journalists, experts from across the country (and the world), and collaborate with each other as they explore and learn about the world around them.
Every semester, a new cohort of students joins the Radio 101 class through our after-school program, and since 2017, Radio 101 has been offered at R.J. Reynolds High School in Winston-Salem, NC, as a for-credit Honors-level class. The stories the students produce air on Mondays during Morning Edition and All Things considered.
We're always looking for students interested in joining our next Radio 101 class. If that sounds like someone you know, register here.

Miseducated: What even is PrEP?
by Katy Cox, William Martin