The issue of private school vouchers was a hot topic at a recent nonpartisan candidate forum in Forsyth County.

The forum was open to candidates running for state and local offices. They touched on issues of housing, public safety and education. 

Specifically, the 11 candidates, predominantly consisting of Democrats, were asked to weigh in on the expansion of private school vouchers, which gives families taxpayer dollars to spend on tuition.

Ronda Mays, a school social worker running as a Democrat for State Senate District 31, said she did not support the voucher program. 

“When we have schools that are in need of resources, how can we then turn around and give money to private schools that don't have the same oversights?" Mays said. 

Nine other candidates agreed, including Republican Gray Wilson, who is running for a seat on the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners.

“I don't mind if they compete against each other, but it has to be a fair playing field, and vouchers destroy that equality," Wilson said. "And so they should not be permitted.”

The only candidate at the forum who disagreed, was Michele Morrow, the Republican homeschooler running for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 

“So my opinion is, does money matter? Absolutely," Morrow said. "But you know what matters most is how we are spending it.”

She says the state spends too much on programs that don’t have an impact on academic success. She didn’t comment on the vouchers until audience members began yelling for her to answer the question. 

“I absolutely believe at this point, that the money that is being spent on vouchers is not coming out of right now, the school budget, it is coming out of that rainy day fund," Morrow said.

Funding for public schools is based on enrollment numbers. If more students leave the system and use vouchers to attend private schools, public education stands to lose millions of dollars. 

Morrow’s opponent, former Guilford County Schools Superintendent Mo Green, wasn’t at the forum but has publicly criticized the General Assembly for funding private school vouchers over things like teacher pay.

Amy Diaz covers education for WFDD in partnership with Report For America. You can follow her on Twitter at @amydiaze.

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