Veterinarian Vint Virga works with pets and zoo animals on behavior disorders. He talks about how house cats are more fulfilled when they forage for food, and how to show animals affection.
The last time Keen was on the show he told a story about how he woke up one day to find his wife standing in the doorway, shooting at cats with a deer rifle.
Kitties don't play — they hunt. And their aloof appearance has evolutionary roots. A new book explains cats' mysterious nature and how their relationship with humans has changed over the years.
The Internet is the undisputed territory of cats, and dog books are more popular than their feline counterparts. Francesco Marciuliano plays to both animals' strengths in his best-selling collections.
Avengers: Age Of Ultron continues the march of the Marvel Cinematic Universe toward more and more and more of everything. But that's not the same thing as making the movies better.
Karaoke. Guru. Opera. This game features "loanwords," English words that have been "borrowed" from other languages. Can you guess the loanword from its language of origin and the English translation?
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's house musician Jonathan Coulton, performing Five For Fighting's soft-rock classic "Superman (It's Not Easy)" with rewritten lyrics about famous comic book heroes!
Take a single letter away from a celebrity's name and he's transformed. If the star of World War Z lost a letter in his first name, he becomes a piece of lingerie: "Bra Pitt."