
Regulators Warn Banks On Direct-Deposit Loans

Regulators are warning some of the nation's largest banks to stop offering loans that are hard to distinguish from those given out by storefront payday lenders. The banks have been offering high-interest-rate, short-term loans to customers with direct deposit as an advance on their paychecks.

Apple Moves To Win Back Investor Confidence

Apple says it will pay out $100 billion to its shareholders in stock buy backs and increased dividends by the end of 2015. On Tuesday, the company announced its first profit decline in a decade. Slowing sales of the Apple iPhone are blamed for the disappointing profit results.

Mississippi River Communities Brace For Flooding

In just a few months, Missouri has gone from a record drought that reduced farmers' crop yields to flooding that has hurt in other ways. Earlier this year, the worst drought conditions seen in the Midwest in decades threatened to close the Mississippi River to barge traffic.