
Solar Industry Reaches Milestone

For the first time ever, all of the new electricity generation added to the nation's power grid in the month of March came from solar installations. That's according to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's monthly report on new power sources.

Boeing's 787 Dreamliners To Fly Again After FAA Approval

Boeing's 787 will be allowed to return to passenger service soon. The Federal Aviation Administration has approved Boeing's redesign of the battery system that caused serious problems, including a fire on one plane. The batteries and their housing have been redesigned and both Boeing and the FAA are confident they are safe. Melissa Block talks with Wendy Kaufman.

Despite Flaws, Harvard Economists Stand By Research

At what point does debt start to drag down an economy? Harvard economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff have argued that a debt to GDP ratio of 90 percent is a red line of sorts. That idea is under attack with economists from the University of Massachusetts charging that Rogoff and Reinhart used selective data to make their case.