
Air Umbrella Uses Invisible Air Shield

Picture an umbrella handle and nothing else, something like a wand, that's the Air Umbrella. That wand apparently keeps you dry by releasing a shield of air. The tech website Mashable says it's still a design concept, but in theory you could adjust the power and size of your invisible air shield depending on how heavily it's raining.

Start Your Day With Bacon ... Shaving Cream

Looking for that perfect gift for a man who hates to shave? He may reconsider his morning routine with a new product from "Bacontrepreneurs" Justin and Dave of J&D Foods in Seattle (makers of Baconnaise, Bacon Lip Balm and Mmmvelopes). Their latest concoction, Bacon Shaving Cream, has no meat in it but it's the "highest-quality meat-scented shaving cream on the market today."