
Rules Could Make TV Commercials Quieter

CALM is an acronym for a new law that takes effect Thursday. It stands for the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act, and it means you won't have to jump for your TV remote the second commercials air. The law says the volume of commercials needs to be the same as the programs they're coming out of.

What Changes In Right-To-Work States?

The Michigan House approved two measures that would make the state the 24th in the nation to enact right-to-work legislation. Protesters continue to gather at the State Capitol in opposition to legislation that will likely weaken unions in the home of the United Auto Workers.

The Lost Art Of Budget Negotiations

Congress and President Obama have yet to reach a budget deal, despite an impending deadline. It's just the latest episode that has caused folks in Washington to reflect that it wasn't always this difficult to make deals inside the beltway. Renee Montagne talks to former Missouri Senator John Danforth about his experience in past budget negotiations, and what lessons they offer for today's discussions.