
Armed Militants In Oregon Cancel Public Meeting As Occupation Drags On

In Oregon, the armed militants that took over a federal wildlife refuge almost two weeks ago had planned a public meeting Friday evening to address the community's concerns and apparently outline their exit strategy. Federal law enforcement remains mum on a response. There is precedent for these types of armed, anti-government protests going south quick, such as in the 1990s in Waco, Texas, and Ruby Ridge, Idaho. There is also precedent for these confrontations to drag on for months.

Armed Occupation In Oregon Continues With No End Game In Sight

Wednesday marks the 12th day of the armed occupation of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon. The militants who took over the federal headquarters continue to move freely in and out of the refuge. Supporters occasionally come in with food and other supplies. It's still not clear how long they'll stay, but the occupiers continue to talk about their goal of turning over federal lands to local control.