Strange News

Man Says He's Not Dead. Court Doesn't Buy It

Constantin Reliu returned to Romania from Turkey to find he had been dead for 15 years — officially, at least. And he still is, now that a court has denied his bid to overturn his death certificate.

A Bear Can Be Confused With A Dog, Apparently

A man in China found a puppy, which he brought home as a pet. But the puppy wasn't a dog, it was an Asian black bear, he only discovered when it grew. The bear got turned over to animal welfare.

Minnesota Considers A Ban On 'The Bachelor'

After the star of The Bachelor broke up with the season's winner, who is a native of Minnesota, a Minnesota lawmaker wrote a bill banning him from the state.

Toddler Locks iPhone For 47 Years

A 2-year-old in China repeatedly entered the wrong passcode into his mother's iPhone while trying to watch videos. Now it's locked for 25 million minutes, or about 47 years.