Strange News

Nudist-Cyclists Rejoice

People who are passionate about being naked but also about bicycling can participate in the Philly Naked Bike Ride on Sept. 9. It's to protest fossil fuel use and promote positive body image.

Facebook Friends Aren't Your Real Friends

A court says a judge doesn't need to recuse herself from a case because a lawyer involved is a friend on Facebook. An appeals court said often people accept requests from people they don't know.

Fat Cats Get Rich Off Inheritance

A woman in New York died and left $300,000 to her two cats, according to the New York Post. She wanted to ensure they were cared for.

'To E, Or Not To E'

The University of Southern California unveiled a statue that features a quote from "Shakespear." It says the name has been spelled many ways, and says, "To E, or not to E, that is the question."