Strange News

Police Chief Writes Himself A Speeding Ticket

The police chief in Sperry, Okla. wrote himself a speeding ticket after a traffic camera caught him speeding. He says he's going to pay the more than $300 ticket he wrote himself.

Don't Curse Around College Students

A new library is going up at Temple University in Philadelphia. A construction company working on it put up a sign for its workers saying, "No foul language."

An 8-Year-Old Drives Himself To McDonald's

An 8-year-old in Ohio drove himself and his sister to McDonald's after their parents went to sleep. He said he learned to drive by watching YouTube.

What It'll Cost You For A Year Of Free Chicken Nuggets

A 16-year-old asked Wendy's on Twitter how many retweets would get him a year of free chicken nuggets. Wendy's said: 18 million. Carter Wilkerson has now been retweeted more than 2.5 million times.