
U.K. Lawmakers Vote Against Syria Strike

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron called a special gathering of Parliament to argue forcefully for military intervention in Syria in response to the apparent chemical strike that he said killed hundreds there. He met with opposition among legislators who don't want to rush to war. After a vigorous debate, they voted against the government.

U.N. Security Council Not Expected To Approve Syria Strike

The United States is considering its military options following last week's apparent chemical weapons attack outside Damascus, Syria. Russia is opposed to such action. The Russian government says there's no evidence that the Syrian government was behind that attack. And Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned that if NATO attacks Syria it would be a violation of international law. To get a better understanding of the Russian view on Syria, Robert Siegel talks with Andranik Migranyan, director of the Institute for Democracy and Cooperation, a Russian-funded think tank in New York. He says Russia is opposed to regime change from the outside and that the solution must be a negotiated settlement.