
Former Chinese Politician Has Spirited Defense At Trial

The former politician Bo Xilai offered a spirited defense in court in China on Thursday, surprising observers who had expected a quick show trial to end the country's biggest political scandal in decades. However Bo was allowed to cross-examine witnesses and tell judges he had been framed in the bribery charges against him. He said he had confessed to the charges under psychological pressure during interrogation.

U.K. Detains Partner Of Journalist Who Talked With Snowden

British authorities detained the partner of journalist Glenn Greenwald's for nearly nine hours at Heathrow Airport on Monday. Greenwald, who works for The Guardian, published many of Edward Snowden's revelations about the National Security Agency's large-scale monitoring of telephone and email traffic. Key members of parliament and human rights activists are demanding to know why Greenwald's partner, David Miranda, was held.